Integration Instruction


Please use the code written below.
Do not use any previous codes or image saved locally.

1. Insert coding to display creative ( i.e banner / button / popup ) 2. Direct creative to iframe 3. Insert coding for website tracking ( under website tracking tab )

Add the following code script before the end of the "body" tag and should be available on all the pages.

Widget for MAIN
  •     <div id="insta-widget-container"></div>
        <script defer="defer" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript">
           var instaToken="435b727a1f08b9d62895f3884b8804c72ccb6d20"


Widget js sample

  • Add script to embed customer registration page as iFrame.

    <iframe src="" width="100%"></iframe>

    For spanish version of the registration page, need to add url parameter "lang" with the value of "spa"
     <iframe src="" width="100%"></iframe>

  • Add script to embed customer registration page as iFrame.

Download the appropriate banner for the site.

We need to have a tag class reference for each of the banner implemented to the website.
Set it to "insta-banner-img" with the style 'display: none' so that we will have the ability
to show or hide the banner.

Use the code of the selected banner. UTM tags are also provided to track component traffic.

  • Red

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none' data-campaign='billboard-eng-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=billboard-eng-a">
        <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=billboard-eng-a
  • Red

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none' data-campaign='billboard-eng-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=billboard-eng-a">
        <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=billboard-eng-a
  • Toyota

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none' data-campaign='leaderboard-web-frame-1-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=leaderboard-web-frame-1-a">
        <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=leaderboard-web-frame-1-a
  • Toyota

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none' data-campaign='leaderboard-web-frame-1-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=leaderboard-web-frame-1-a">
        <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=leaderboard-web-frame-1-a
  • Billboard 1

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none' data-campaign='billboard-spa-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=billboard-spa-a">
        <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=billboard-spa-a
  • Leaderboard

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none' data-campaign='leaderboard-spa-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=leaderboard-spa-a">
        <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=leaderboard-spa-a

VDP button for inventory listing.


Vdp sample

  • Popup

    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=popup-no-special-offer-eng-a
  • Red

    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=popup-no-special-offer-eng-a
  • Popup banner 1

    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=popup-spa-a

Global Site Tag (gtag.js) This is the Global Site Tag (gtag.js) tracking code for this property. Copy and paste this code as the first item into the <HEAD> of every webpage you want to track. If you already have a Global Site Tag on your page, simply add the config line from the snippet below to your existing Global Site Tag.

Install Google Tag Manager Copy the code below and paste it onto every page of your website. Paste this code as high in the <head> of the page as possible:

<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

Additionally, paste this code immediately after the opening <body> tag:
<!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->
<noscript><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
<!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->

  • Auto bdc

    <div class='insta-popup' data-campaign='popup-eng-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-ipo-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=autobdc-a">
        <img src=""  />
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=autobdc
  • Auto bdc 2

    <div class='insta-popup' data-campaign='popup-eng-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-ipo-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=autobdc-a">
        <img src=""  />
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&um_campaign=autobdc
  • Auto bdc 3

    <div class='insta-popup' data-campaign='popup-eng-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-ipo-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=autobdc-a">
        <img src=""  />
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=autobdc
  • Auto bdc 4

    <div class='insta-popup' data-campaign='popup-eng-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-ipo-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=autobdc-a">
        <img src=""  />
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=autobdc
  • Auto bdc 5

    <div class='insta-popup' data-campaign='popup-eng-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-ipo-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=autobdc-a">
        <img src=""  />
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=autobdc
  • Re engagement 32

    <div class='day-32 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 31

    <div class='day-31 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 30

    <div class='day-30 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 29

    <div class='day-29 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 28

    <div class='day-28 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 27

    <div class='day-27 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 26

    <div class='day-26 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 25

    <div class='day-25 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 24

    <div class='day-24 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 23

    <div class='day-23 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 22

    <div class='day-22 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 21

    <div class='day-21 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 20

    <div class='day-20 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 19

    <div class='day-19 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 18

    <div class='day-18 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 17

    <div class='day-17 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 16

    <div class='day-16 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 15

    <div class='day-15 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 14

    <div class='day-14 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 13

    <div class='day-13 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 12

    <div class='day-12 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 11

    <div class='day-11 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 10

    <div class='day-10 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 9

    <div class='day-9 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 8

    <div class='day-8 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 7

    <div class='day-7 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 6

    <div class='day-6 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 5

    <div class='day-5 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 4

    <div class='day-4 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 3

    <div class='day-3 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 2

    <div class='day-2 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • Re engagement 1

    <div class='day-1 insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=re-engagement
  • 13

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=holidays
  • 12

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=holidays
  • 11

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=holidays
  • 10

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=holidays
  • 9

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=holidays
  • 8

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=holidays
  • 7

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=holidays
  • 6

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=holidays
  • 5

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=holidays
  • 4

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=holidays
  • 3

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=holidays
  • 2

    <div class='insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=holidays
  • Toyota

    <div class='month-of-November insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=email-oem  
  • Toyota

    <div class='month-of-October insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=email-oem  
  • Toyota

    <div class='month-of-September insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=email-oem  
  • Toyota

    <div class='month-of-August insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=email-oem  
  • Toyota

    <div class='month-of-July insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=email-oem  
  • Toyota

    <div class='month-of-June insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=email-oem  
  • Toyota

    <div class='month-of-May insta-banner-img' style='display:none'>
    <img src='' >
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=email-oem  
  • 2

    <div class='insta-popup' data-campaign='popup-eng-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-ipo-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=eblasts-a">
        <img src=""  />
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=eblasts
  • 3

    <div class='insta-popup' data-campaign='popup-eng-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-ipo-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=eblasts-a">
        <img src=""  />
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=eblasts
  • 4

    <div class='insta-popup' data-campaign='popup-eng-a'>
      <a href="{please-replace-with-the-iprecheck-ipo-registration-page}?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=eblasts-a">
        <img src=""  />
    To track campaign traffic attach the tags below at the end of a URL
    UTM: ?utm_source=ipc-website&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=eblasts

  • <iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" 
    allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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